7. Engage Middle Management

Posted by Gary Purcell on Jun 14, 2018
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No. 7 of: 8 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement

The No. 1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor, according to a Gallup poll of more than 1 million employed U.S. workers. It’s the old cliché - “employees join companies, but they leave managers”.

Managers play a crucial role in creating a positive work environment, by providing a level of personalised support and commitment to their teams. However, 37% of employees do not feel their managers are effective in serving and supporting the team.

One of the recurring themes we find in talking to HR Professionals is how many high-performing employees feel their work is not adequately acknowledged by their immediate boss, and by extension the company. And the majority of employee reward programmes that Allgo runs are focused on getting managers to show more appreciation to their staff more.

Download eBook:Employee Engagement

The problem is that managers can become the “squeezed middle” in the engagement equation. They themselves are likely to be less engaged than newer employees and senior leaders.

And as managers, much of their daily responsibility involves dealing with problems and issues. So a negative bias and management style is almost the default position. Plus, as psychologists tell us, some of the deepest human emotions are essentially selfish. We are better wired to receive praise than to give it.

"37% of employees do not feel their managers are effective in serving and supporting the team".

On the other side of the coin, employees really want their managers to recognise their good work – it is highly motivating for them. In fact, the most memorable recognition an employee can receive comes from the employee's manager.

So putting programmes in place that will engage middle managers in the company’s goals, give them exposure to senior leaders, and encourage them to give positive and authentic recognition for good work on a constant basis are all key.

In companies where both leaders and managers are perceived by employees as effective, 72% of employees are highly engaged.  “The single-biggest predictor of performance in people is the relationship they have with their managers”. Sue Stoneman, founder and chief executive of NKD.

Read the next of our: 8 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement>

If you would like to talk to Allgo about putting in place a year-round tax-efficient employee reward & recognition programme, please don't hesitate to  contact us today.

Download our eBook
In the latest eBook from Allgo, we look in detail at employee engagement - what is is, what it does, how to measure it, and how to improve it in your organisation. Download it for free today by clicking the Download Now button below.

Employee Engagement eBook

Download our expert eBook:
The HR Guide to Employee Engagement

High Employee Engagement is the holy grail of HR and is a significant factor in overall company performance. This definitive guide shows you:

  • Current Stats on Employee Engagement
  • How to Measure Engagement
  • 8 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement
  • How Recognition Can Improve Engagement
  • 10 Steps to Successful Employee Recognition=
  • How to Prove ROI on Recognition
  • 12 Pitfalls to Avoid in your Employee Reward Programme

Click here to Download eBook Now


Tags: employee rewards, staff rewards, employee recognition, peer-2-peer recognition, employee engagement, employee motivation, recognition

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