Allgo's 6th annual HR Trends Report, giving a snapshot of the HR landscape and predictions for the year ahead. The report was compiled based on an in-depth survey of over 200 HR Leaders and Managers in January 2024.
To summarise the key findings:
Employee Engagement is again the No. 1 Challenge and the No. 1 Focus for HR Professionals in 2024. This could be because, although, there is a lot of talk about employees moving back to office, 83% of companies have a fully remote or hybrid policy.
For the 5th year in a row a Work/Life Balance is the most important factor for recruiting talent and Company Culture is yet again prioritised over Pay. Line Manager and Employer Brand continue to drop as key factors for recruitment as Work Colleagues makes its way to a becoming a key factor. Employees continue to look for jobs that fit their life rather than fitting their lives around their job.
Recruitment is becoming increasingly easier, a significant improvement from 2019, while Retention is predicted to be the same as last year. Employees increasingly prioritise maintaining a life beyond the workplace, with Work/Life Balance taking precedence over Pay as a key factor in employee Retention.
While Bonuses are no longer a top factor, the two factors determining the company's essence—Company Culture and Employer Brand—are now emerging as primary focal points for retention. The Bike to Work Scheme has taken a fall in priority as for the first time in 4 years is it no longer the reigning Financial benefit. The number one spot has been taken over by Paid Maternity Leave.
HR Trends 2024
Download the full survey report for invaluable
insights into HR challenges and predictions
in the coming year.
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A record 72% of Irish employers are now using the Small Benefit Scheme, which increased to €1,000 per employee per year and employees can receive two rewards in one year, as long as the combined total amount it €1,000 or less. As of January 2024 Enhanced Revenue Reporting (ERR), will now require employers to report for 3 types of employee expenses/benefits, Travel & Subsistence Payments, Remote Working Allowance and Small Benefit Scheme. 75% of companies are reporting that this will not affect how they reward employees in the upcoming year.
Is this the year that we see huge changes in the world of HR with New Legislation and different prioritises emerging from both the employee and the company perspective?
Download the HR Trends Ireland Report 2024
Based on a survey of 200 HR Leaders and Senior HR Managers, this report highlights the challenges and trends in HR for 2024. Download it for free today by clicking the Download Now
HR Leaders Survey ReportHR Trends 2024Allgo's 6th annual HR Trends Report, giving a snapshot of the HR