HR Trends Report 2022

Posted by Gary Purcell on Feb 14, 2022
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Allgo's 4th annual HR Trends Report gives invaluable insights into the challenges faced by HR Leaders as we emerge from COVID into the new normal of hybrid and remote working.

To summarise the key findings:

Last year, HR Leaders focused on the Systems & Technology needed to manage hybrid / remote working. With those systems now in place, 2022 is all about Employee Engagement and Health & Wellbeing as the new working environment becomes established.

Employee Retention is seen as the biggest challenge this year as companies brace themselves for the “Big Resignation”. To what extent that actually happens remains to be seen, but coupled with Employee Health & Wellbeing and Employee Engagement, it is clear that the focus for HR this year is predominantly about looking after existing employees, and successfully bringing them along with the company's mission & vision.

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HR Trends 2022

Download the full survey report for invaluable
insights into HR challenges and predictions
in the coming year.

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It is clear to see that the war for talent is raging this year, with HR Managers predicting pre-pandemic levels of difficulty in sourcing talent. However, even though there may be challenges with Recruitment, it is Retention where the real war for talent will be fought in 2022. And perhaps it is no surprise that the three “what’s in it for me” factors of Pay,

Work/Life Balance, and Career Progression are ranked top in terms of employee retention factors. HR managers are predicting wage inflation to revert back to pre-pandemic levels.

The Bike to Work Scheme remains the top Financial Benefit for the third year in a row. Company-wide Bonuses are also at an all-time high. Interestingly, despite two years of disruption, the Christmas Party remains supreme as the No. 1 Non-Financial Benefit! Team Nights Out also remain popular, and Employee Assistance Programs are increasingly being offered. A record number of companies are planning of availing of the Small Benefit Scheme in 2022.

So 2022 will see remote working/hybrid working become embedded, and HR Leaders will be focused on managing the knock-on consequences in terms of Performance Management, Employee Engagement and Employee Wellbeing. All of this taking place within the context of an expected war for Talent Retention. Interesting year ahead……

Download the HR Trends Ireland Report 2022
Based on a survey of 249 HR Leaders and Senior HR Managers, this report highlights the challenges and trends in HR for 2022. Download it for free today by clicking the Download Now

HR Trends Report 2022 - Cover (1)

HR Leaders Survey Report

HR Trends 2022

Allgo's 4th annual HR Trends Report, giving a snapshot of the HR
landscape and predictions as we emerge from the pandemic.

  • HR Priorities for 2022
  • HR Challenges in 2022
  • Recruitment Trends
  • Retention Challenges
  • Pay & Benefits
  • Reward & Recognition

Download Now


Tags: employee retention, employee recognition, employee engagement, employee performance, human resources, hr, hr department, hr trends, hr insights, personnel department

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